Welcome to Adrien Block I.S. 25
We are happy to have you here. This parent support page will help both you and your child succeed at his/her first year at Adrien Block Intermediate School 25. If you have any questions or concerns, you can:
call the main office at 718-961-3480
email any teacher, guidance counselor or Assistant Principal through the Jupiter webpage
2024-2025 6th grade Assistant Principal 2024-2025 6th grade Guidance Counselor
Ms. Marlena Nadler Ms. Valentina Marsalek
MNadler4@schools.nyc.gov VStanic@schools.nyc.gov
718-961-3480 x1255 718-961-3480 x 1256
Bell Schedule Year : School hours are from Monday through Friday 8:10 AM - 2:30 PM. Our full bell schedule is as follows:
Period 1 8:10 a.m. – 8:56 a.m.
2 8:58 a.m. – 9:43 a.m.
3 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
4 10:32 a.m. – 11:18 a.m.
5 11:20 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
6 12:07 p.m. – 12:53 p.m.
7 12:55 p.m. – 1:41 p.m.​​
8 1:43 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Yellow Bus Transportation & MTA MetroCard: Students in Grade 6 have the option to take the yellow school bus. Students can take the school bus to and from school from a centralized pickup location near your house. If you need yellow bus transportation, speak with any staff member in the main office (by phone at 718-961-3480, or in person in room 108). In addition to the yellow bus service, students have access to the NYC MTA public buses. Based on the distance between home and school, many students are eligible for half or full fare Metro Cards. Eligible students receive two Metro Cards per year, one in September (for the fall semester), and a second card in February (for the spring semester). Any lost or damaged cards can be replaced in the main office.
Gym Uniform: All students are required to wear a gym uniform during their physical education periods. Students may wear their uniform all day, or may change in the locker room during their gym period. Uniform orders must be made online through the Smooth USA webpage by September 16th. If you need assistance with your gym uniform order, speak with your Parent Coordinator, Ms. Trotter at JTrotter@schools.nyc.gov or 718-961-3480 x 1431.
Meals: Breakfast and lunch are provided to all students for FREE. Students must arrive around 8:10 AM for breakfast available every morning in the cafeteria. Students may bring lunch from home, have school lunch for free, and/or purchase snacks during their lunch period for $1-$2. Snack items include chips, ice cream, gummy candy, etc.
After-School Program: Greater Ridgewood Youth Council offers a free after-school program for all students Monday – Friday from 2:30pm – 5:30pm. This program is funded by SONYC (Schools Out New York City) a program created by Mayor Bill DeBlasio for newly reformed expansion to free after-school programs for the middle school. To request an application, contact Ms. Dina DePaola at dinaGRYC@gmail.com or call the main office at 718-961-3480.